Gilroy Today 2014 12 Winter | Page 72

The things people write …

By Larry Mickartz
A few years ago I had the good fortune to look through some old log books that had been at “ the flagpole ” in Gilroy Yamato Hot Springs . Apparently the flagpole was a hiking destination at the Hot Springs . Some of the comments in the logbook were poetic , some intriguing , some describe the adversities of the hike , some had an international flair . Many were just a record of being there , but many others were the introduction to an unfinished story . The books are now in a private collection and thus no longer available . If they were available , they could be the start of a great story on the history , mystique and culture of this fascinating local treasure .
My next thought was about similar local contemporary records . My search took me to two places : The Gilroy Welcome Center and the books used as table receipts at the Milias Restaurant . Without the historical setting of the Hot Springs these writings offered similar perspectives .
The Gilroy Welcome Center . The Center opened at the Outlets in 2011 and currently welcomes about 3,000 visitors per month . Most of these records are just accounts of people from all over the world checking in at the Center . One caught my attention . Sandra from Germany wrote , “ Can ’ t wait to get the shopping going ! Vielen Dank – Ich liebe Kalifornien .” Translation : “ Thank you - I love California .”
Jane Howard , the Director of the Gilroy Welcome Center , posts more comments on page 37 of this magazine .
The Milias Restaurant Since the Milias reopened in 2011 , they have used old books to hold the bill when it is delivered to the table . Since the very beginning people have written in the books . Many of the handwritten comments commended the staff for doing a great job . Others rave about the food and the atmosphere .
Many other comments are interesting , poetic , intriguing , loving , artful or the start to an unfinished story … sounds like the flagpole log at the Gilroy Yamato Hot Springs . Many of the books have been retired because they are literally falling apart . Here are some of the ones that caught my eye .
There are several languages documented .
There are cartoons and cartoons with stories .
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