Worship Musician September 2018 | Page 108

With Fall upon us , we are filled with lots of wonderful memories . The smell of crisp cool air , the crunch of leaves under our feet , the sight of school buses on the way to the first days of school . They all remind us of the start of a new season . Fall is often the start of a new year for the choir too , but wait … where did the choir go ? You may still find choirs prevalent in some parts of the United States and in some larger churches , but for the most part , a choir serving regularly on Sundays is a thing of bygone days . Why is this and what can we do to bring back the choir ?
I believe there are several reasons that traditional choirs have died out . Here are a few :
• Changes in musical style
• Lack of commitment .
• Lack of choral skills ( ie sight singing ).
• Perception of choirs .
• Lack of leadership skills to direct a choir .
But do these things really have to translate into the ultimate demise of the “ church choir ”? I think not , and here ’ s why ; Choirs are Biblical . Not only that , choir is fun ! Here are some good reasons to get a choir going in your church and some easy ways to get started .
WHY ? Not only are choirs biblical … and fun , but they truly minister to people . A choir can become like a mini-church in itself . The director can function like a pastor in many ways , and the folks can become quite close . Music is a powerful thing , and when you engage in singing with others it can create a wonderful bond between the members . Praying for each other , fellowshipping together , learning and growing together , and experiencing the joy of serving can all be part of being in choir . It ’ s also a way to help folks , who might not otherwise have the confidence to serve in the music ministry , get started . Lots of people love to sing but might not feel qualified to join a team . A choir can be a wonderful place to grow skills and gain confidence .
A choir can be a wonderful place to grow skills and gain confidence .
START WITH A SEASONAL CHOIR Are you looking for more singers on your team ? Start a choir ! Start an annual choir drive . Fall is a great time for new beginnings , and with Christmas right around the corner , Fall is the perfect time to hold auditions for a seasonal choir . Many people who might not feel ready to commit to a weekly choir will absolutely sign on for an “ event ” choir . If you purpose to put on a Christmas presentation , you will drum up support for not only choir , but perhaps other areas of artistic expression as well . Do a good job with this first step and you will set the tone for how fun , powerful and meaningful a choir can be .
AN EXTENSION OF YOUR WORSHIP TEAM Think of a choir as an extension of your worship team . This might help to make the concept less threatening to you and your potential members . To get a choir rolling , have them simply sing the same songs as the worship team , with similar harmonies . Choirs can really encourage a congregation to sing . If they are free to express their worship visually as well , they can truly be inspirational . The choir can also become a growing ground for potential members of the frontline team . Be careful not to make too much of the difference between the “ frontline team ” and the choir though . Each are powerful in their own way , and we want to carefully avoid feeding the diva syndrome that can easily sneak in if the choir singers are viewed as somehow not as valuable . Both the choir and the frontline singers are serving the Body of Christ by facilitating worship . This is why I recommend that all the singers on your team serve in the choir when they are not on mic .
HAVE FUN ! One of my mantras is this : “ People don ’ t mind rehearsals , people mind having their time wasted ”. If you plan out rehearsals so that much is accomplished , they can be fun ! Singers love to sing , and you are creating an opportunity for them to do just that . Just make sure that the time spent is well thought out in advance and do your best to reach those goals . If you consistently make progress and the choir has the chance to experience making great music together , it will not only be powerful , but it will be fun ! Do a good job and your music ministry will begin to attract others and grow .
In conclusion , choirs can be a wonderful , regular addition to your music ministry . Start off easily and work with the level your members are at , but don ’ t forget to slowly challenge them by teaching them a little each week and encouraging them to grow on their own as well . You will be challenged and blessed in the process !
Sheri Gould An internationally acclaimed vocal coach . She ’ s been helping artists and worshipers find their voice for over 40 years . If you have any questions or need resources don ’ t hesitate to ask . www . SheriGould . com
108 September 2018 WorshipMusician . com