Catchup March 2014 volume 1

ISSUE 01 MONTHLY NEW SLETTER MARCH 2014 catchup this issue Living the Expat Life P.1 Exploring Lviv P.2 Meet Daniel Quinlan P.3 New Projects P.4 in the News 5 Star Review on Amazon for Hush Baby Could not put it down As with all of the other books by Cindy Vine that I have read, I could not put this book down. I read until 2AM this morning because I had to get to the end. The characters are well written and believable. The plot is great and also believable. It is ultimately a very sad story but there are some redeeming aspects like Kyle finally finding some happiness. The last page definitely delivered a jolt. I highly recommend this book, as I do the author's other novels. I look forward to reading her next work By Susan Keeping Take Action Living the Expat Life There are worse things in life than being an Expat in a country on the brink of war. Being a part of history is both exciting and scary. As we wait for the results of tomorrow’s referendum in the Crimea we wonder what the future will bring. Will it impact us living in Kyiv? Only time will tell. When I accepted the job in Kyiv, Ukraine was a relatively peaceful country. The end of November 2013, all of that changed. However, despite the unrest and protests life goes on. We only missed three days of school at the height of the protests. People carry on with their daily lives, going to work, shopping, eating out, going on holiday – it’s quite bizarre really. It definitely looks far worse on the news than it does living here. Most of the action in Kyiv was around the square known as Maidan.