HeyU Issue 53 - 21 Feburary | Page 20

1 . Setting unachievable goals : If your goal is out of arms reach , then it ’ s possibly too high and you may have to adjust your goal .
2 . Setting too many goals : If your goals are conflicting , then you may be setting yourself up for failure before you even begin .
3 . Setting non-specific goals : You ’ ll hear the acronym SMART a lot throughout your studies , and there ’ s a good reason why !

Mentally healthy goals

For some , the start of a new year is a time for reflection , looking back with fond memories of the year that was . For others , it can be a not so nice reminder that another year has passed without ticking off that ‘ bucket list item .’ Setting goals for ourselves is a valuable way to give self-direction and can be a great form of motivation , so it makes perfect sense to take advantage of the new year and the new opportunities it presents . The challenge is not necessarily setting the goals ; it ’ s the sticking to them part that can be tricky .

Some of the more common mistakes people make when working out their goals include :

1 . Setting unachievable goals : If your goal is out of arms reach , then it ’ s possibly too high and you may have to adjust your goal .

2 . Setting too many goals : If your goals are conflicting , then you may be setting yourself up for failure before you even begin .

3 . Setting non-specific goals : You ’ ll hear the acronym SMART a lot throughout your studies , and there ’ s a good reason why !

An example of a SMART goal would be :

‘ I will submit my assignments on time by completing assignments two days before the due date . I will accomplish this by working on each assignment for at least 1 hour per day , starting two weeks before the due date .’
Setting SMART ( specific , measurable , attainable , relevant and time based ) goals allows you to be realistic about what you can achieve . One of the best ways to maintain momentum and ensure that we have the capacity to meet our goals is to have mental wellness . According to the World Health Organisation , mental wellness is ’ a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities , can cope with the normal stresses of life , can work productively and fruitfully , and is able to make a contribution to his or her community ’. There are many ways that you can maintain or improve your mental wellness in order to put you in good stead for when the time comes to sit down and write those goals . One such way is to access the newly developed USQ Student Services Counselling Team ’ s online wellbeing resources . These resources have been designed by psychologists and counsellors to enhance your mental wellbeing throughout your learning journey . You can find a wealth of knowledge spread over information clips , tip sheets , strategies , exercises , blogs , webinars and articles , all aimed to help you get started !

To book a face-to-face , over the phone , or online appointment with a Counsellor , contact Student Services today !

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