New Jersey Stage - September 2014 | Page 127

INSIDE MUSIC by Rosemary Conte SHARE BUTTON Of Children, Singers & Lawyers! Any career can benefit from referencing how it was done in the past—or, who else is doing it now. And so it, is in the development of a singer, as well as an attorney. Lawyers must know caselaw: The law as established by the outcome of former cases. Law may be the antithesis of art; however, I believe that singers and lawyers need to reference the past so as to build a strong foundation for their future. I believe the best-sounding, most creative singers are those who have been exposed to the most diverse music from all periods and all styles. Parents of five year olds who love to sing often ask me to train their children’s voices. First, no ethical singing teacher would attempt to “train” a voice so young, because their vocal apparatus is immature and vulnerable to damage. I recommend that parents fill a child’s life with all kinds of recorded and live music, and find ways to nurture interest in singing and playing other instruments. Children develop an appetite for what they see and hear the most, and children learn everything by imitating. They may imitate Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, or whatever voice fills the atmosphere in which they live. My best advice is to fill that atmosphere with quality, diverse music. Some parents cannot make the Visit us online at pg 127