Mississippi Messenger

MISSISSIPPI MESSENGER SPRING 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS  April 21 - Licensure Exam State Executive Office & Ministry Center  Mississippi State Executive Office and Ministry Training Center April 23 - The Launch Kids Crusade/Grenada COG  May 6 - YWEA Golf Classic  May 8 - Mother’s Day  May 20-21 - MIP Commissioning Service Cleveland, Tennessee  June 8-11 - Camp Meeting Christway Church, Flowood  June 13-17 - Teen YC Lake Tiak-O’Khata, Louisville  June 20-24 - Middle YC Lake Tiak-O’Khata, Louisville  June 27-July 1 - Primary YC Lake Tiak-O’Khata, Louisville  July 19-22 - General Assembly  October 6-7 - State Ministers’ Meeting The Mississippi Church of God has purchased a "state of the art" Office Complex and Ministry Training Center. The new 6000+ square foot facility has adequate office space for the state executive team and will be able to host state council, youth board, and evangelism board meetings, as well as MIP & CAMS training and licensure testing. We are nearing the completion of the renovation of the Ministry Training Center area. We are extremely excited about the future of our state. Plans are to dedicate the office and state parsonage during our upcoming camp meeting.