Obiter Dicta Issue 11 - February 24, 2014

Vol 87 Issue 11 February 24, 2014 The Definitive Source for Osgoode News A l l is o n W i l l ia m s an d D o u g l as J u d s o n , b o th o f E m o , Onta r i o , p r esent the news in M o c k T r ia l’ s Mi d - wee k U p d ate ( p h o t o : L o uise Mi m na g h ) . Mock Trial fails to disappoint, again TRAVIS WEAGANT Editor-in-Chief On February 12 and 13, some of the most committed Ozzies around put their talents together and put on a spectacular revue of the best legal humour in North York. This Editor attended the Thursday night performance, which is typically the rowdier event. The packed Moot Court room did not disappoint. Business Manager and performer Brendan Monahan reported before the show that there were no tickets left for sale, and the atmosphere in the room was one of a happy crowd. The truth is that Mock Trial is not just a variety show; it’s one of the biggest Osgoode parties of the year. Second only to the week-long Orientation Week extravaganza and rivalled only by the Wendy Babcock Drag Show, Thursday night at Mock Trial is a hazy night of heckling and laughter. The festive mood often leads Obiter staff to trek down to the fridge in the office at intermission and return bearing gifts. Nonetheless, having volunteered to write this article, I promised myself before the show that I would try to remember the second act this year. Success was mixed. This is what I know: 1. Musical direction was stellar. There is always vocal talent lurking in Osgoode Hall, and it came out to play at Mock Trial. Rosalind Ballanger, Joseph Cuyegkeng, Mitchell Rattner, and Hartlee Zucker obviously put in the hours necessary to give the performances something extra. The mere presence of harmonies on stage is a cut above in the world of law school variety shows. Rattner himself had an excellent turn as a sort of lawyer-Tevye in the second act opener “Tuition” (to the tune of “Tradition” from Fiddler on the Roof). The song lends itself to an ensemble performance, and the Singing Directors took full advantage. My congratulations. Congratulations are also due in particular to Busayo Ayodele, who waltzed out at the end of Act One and effortlessly (or at least it seemed that way) threw down several strong choruses of “Grades Fall” (to the tune of Adele’s James Bond theme “Skyfall”). Way to go. 2. So was choreography. You all know of what I speak. Tantalizing and mesmerizing, the Mance is a Mock Trial fixture that earns its revered status time and time again. I will not demean the performance by singling out any of the fine gentleman entertainers – they danced as one. For every second of Christina Aguilera et al’s cover of Labelle’s “Lady Marmalade”, I sat, humbled, before these giants of glitter, these superheroes in suspenders, these Mancers. » continued on page 16 IN THIS IS SUE ... Mock Trial recap C OV E R , PAG E 16 Letters to the Editor PAG E 3 Jurisfoodence PAG E 11 Russian Olympians PAG E 5