The Turner Files | Page 2

4 HOWSUCKINGATSCHOOLMADEMEABETTER... I pret t y m uch sucked at school. M y freshm an year of high school, I got D?s in Science and M at h, and C?s in everyt hing else ( ex cept PE, I alw ays got an A in PE) . It w as ex t ra lam e because I w as act ually t rying t o get bet t er grades t han w hat I w as get t ing. I never skipped class and I did pay at t ent ion, but school just didn?t com e nat urally t o m e. 7 8 9 CREATINGACULT THEKINDESTMAN THETRUTHCOMESOUT Kevin M oran of Guru Donut s shares his st ory and lessons on creat ing a Cult of Com m unit y. I don?t know how m uch m y girls w ill rem em ber t heir great -grandfat her, but I w ill alw ays refer t o him as t he kindest man I?ve ever known. " The delt a bet w een great real est at e service and poor real est at e service has sim ply becom e t oo large, due t o t he unaccept ably low ent ry requirem ent s t o becom e a real est at e agent .? - Boise Advice Givers Series - Broker on Board Series 11 2 13 VAGABONDINGWITHKIDS HOMESTORIES St art ing a fam ily doesn't have t o m ean an endless rout ine m ired in dom est icit y. If you had t he t ravel bug before kids... I've sold a lot of hom es in Eagle, Idaho. How ever, som et im es it is difficult for buyers t o find just t he right one... 16 17 Howdoyoufigure MyNewBook& out what isnormal WhyI WroteIt. after adecadeof chaos?