The True Mehdi Issue 02 - February | Page 10



It has now been established in light of Islamic scripture that the Anti-Christ will be from a Muslim background . This is also verified by the prophecies of Nostradamus .

[ QUATRAINS 9 / 53 , 8 / 70 , 10 / 75 ]
Just as the Bible mentions the advent of false Christs , similarly , Islamic scripture predicts the advent of false Mahdis . This is a phenomenon the world must understand . The Anti-Christ will be the ultimate False Mahdi : a false Islamic Messiah .
Whether you look at Christian , Jewish or Islamic definitions , the Anti-Christ is a deceiver who shall misguide masses in the name of the religion . The idea that the Anti-Christ will be Islam ’ s Imam Mahdi is utterly absurd . Careful research into the topic reveals that the Anti-Christ is in fact the greatest enemy of Imam Mehdi and humanity .
There is a famous tradition of Prophet Mohammad regarding the Anti-Christ in which he declares that the Anti-Christ will be blind in one eye while asserting that the
Lord is not one-eyed . [ SAHIH MUSLIM ]
Another saying of the Prophet Mohammad states that the Anti-Christ would be riding on a donkey . [ AL-MUSTADRAK BY AL-HAKIM ] He also said that the Anti-Christ would have the word ‘ infidel ( Kafir )’ written on his forehead .
If a man with one eye and ‘ infidel ’ written on his forehead rides a donkey , wouldn ’ t the scholars of Islam instantaneously recognise him as the Anti-Christ ? Whereas Prophet Mohammad clearly stated that 70 000 Muslim clerics would pledge allegiance to the Anti-Christ . Therefore it is obvious that Prophet Mohammad was not giving the physical description of the Anti-Christ ; rather , he was speaking in a metaphorical manner .
In Islam , the eyes are symbolic to knowledge .
The Anti-Christ being blind in one eye alludes to him being deprived of esoteric knowledge ( spiritual knowledge ) while being an expert on exoteric knowledge .