The Felixstowe Flyer | Page 8

The Flyer Are you really keeping your Modern Slavery Statement The Regulations laying • Policies that concern business staff and others safe at work? relationships, for example, a supplier out large employers’ Do you know about the new Sentencing Guidelines that came into force on the 1st February? How often do you as a business owner enquire about the health and wellbeing of your employees? Miles Vartan Sadly in our experience a number of people have good intentions but do not consistently get their priorities right. When you ask an employee to undertake a task for you, or your business, you have a responsibility to make sure you have identified the hazards relating to the job, design a safe system of work and have arranged and provided suitable protection against the hazards – take a big deep breath and then train those involved… this can take time but is very important to do How often do you hear people within the business ask colleagues ‘how are you?’ Many employers never see their staff and just assume everything is fine, both at work and at home. If a person is stressed or has an undisclosed illness for example, they may not be able to complete their job safely. The Glasgow Bin lorry accident was caused by a driver not disclosing a medical issue where there was a risk that he could pass out at the wheel Where MVC are going with this article is to get the message across that if your business experiences an incident 8 where there is a life changing injury or fatality, profit or money will instantly become immaterial. As a business owner you will not only have to learn to cope with your own immense emotional upset, but also that of the injured persons’ family and relatives – again something that you will have had no training for and again will absorb every minute of your available time How will the Regulatory Authorities handle such an event and what will the