IES Tokyo Shinbun Vol. 79

一般社団法人 IES Tokyo Shinbun IES Abroad全米大学連盟 2016. 5.31 Volume 79 In this issue Spring 2016 - Community Service - Council Event Summer Program - 3 alumni came back as RAs Guest Lecture - Songs from the edge of Japan Culture - hedgehog café 各学期に一度行われている社会奉仕活動日、今学期は5月14日に海浜幕張にある幕張海浜公園にて、落ち葉清掃活動を行いました。今回 の参加者は学生17名の他に、普段E-palプログラムに参加している23名の神田外語大学生のうち、17名が一緒に活動に参加してくれいま した!五月晴れの気持ちいい日に活動日が重なり、参加した学生たちは皆楽しんで活動に参加してくれました。活動を受け入れてくだ さった幕張海浜公園の平野さん(写真中央)、どうもありがとうございました! IES Tokyo Center offers an community service opportunity every semester. For this semester, we went to clean up the Makuhari Kaihin Park which located in Kaihin Makuhari where our students go to school. We had 17 students attended the event and 17 KUIS E-pal volunteers also came to help us out for the day. We enjoyed the activity very much with the beautiful May weather! ↖ Group picture with Mr. Hirano who helped us to set up this event. It was such a great opportunity! ↑The bed of the truck was quickly filled with so many bags of fallen leaves we collected. (Thanks Emily for the picture!) ←← Everyone was so engaging to the event. ← It was great to have so many E -pals joining us for this great opportunity.