West Virginia Executive Spring 2022 | Page 52

WestVirg i n ia ’ s World w ide Exports

A Global Impact

Not many would imagine a state the size of West Virginia would be capable of having such a large , global impact , but the Mountain State distributes goods to 147 out of the 196 countries in the world . West Virginia Executive found this statistic awe-inspiring and felt driven to create a comprehensive export map to show the expansive nature of West Virginia ’ s worldwide exports .
West Virginia is a global supplier of vital goods , such as coal , plastics , chemicals , automotive parts and machinery . In the past 10 years , there has been an increasing trend in growth , and it is clear that West Virginia is making considerable moves toward further expansion . With advancements in technology and the way business is conducted , access to global customers has made this growth easier . Additionally , many foreign companies , that are often exporters , have moved their manufacturing facilities to the state , contributing to the overall growth of exports .
As a small business , dreams of moving to the international level can seem daunting ; however , the West Virginia Department of Economic Development has an Export Promotion Program designed specifically to support these organizations as they grow to international sales .
“ Working closely with partners in the U . S . Commercial Service , West Virginia District Export Council , Small Business Administration ( SBA ) and other state and federal agencies , this program helps identify opportunities for West Virginia companies looking to expand internationally and assess export readiness for companies new to international trade ,” says Caitlin Ashley-Lizarraga , manager of international trade at the West Virginia Department of Economic Development . “ The Export Promotion Program also administers a grant program funded through the SBA that supports international marketing efforts for small businesses .”
The goal of this map is to not only highlight West Virginia ’ s impressive accomplishments as a global exporter but also to encourage the growth of small businesses . •
Editor ' s Note : This map was compiled with help from Caitlin Ashley-Lizarraga and the West Virginia Department of Economic Development . Thank you for playing a pivotal role in spreading the knowledge about West Virginia ’ s global impact .