IES Tokyo Shinbun Vol. 80

一般社団法人 IES Tokyo Shinbun IES Abroad全米大学連盟 2016. 6.30 Volume 80 In this issue Spring 2016 - Kamakura field trip - Council Hiking Event Okinawa Field Trip By Andrew Stephenson, College of William & Mary International Travels By Sally Ngo, Penn State University Guest lecture - Taste of Japan by Ms. Elizabeth Andoh ↖ The group visited a local elementary school for the Japanese language class. The students at the school showed us the soran bushi dance and taught many different games they play with friends! ↑←The spring semester has been lucky to have a great weather for their outing events! Okinawa, Kamakura and Mt. Takao was all ended with a great weather! ↖Eisa workshop and meeting with the studnets from Meio University was definitely a highlight of the Okinawa trip! 残すところあと2週間になった春学期、5月末の修学旅行から6月の一ヶ月は本当にあっという間に時間が過ぎていきました。学生たちは 日々、授業や宿題で忙しく過ごしていましたが、その合間に色々なイベントにも参加し積極的に活動していました。教室で学ぶだけでは なく、色々なところに出かけ、新しい人に出会い、美味しいものを食べるというのも、やはり留学生活中の醍醐味ではないでしょうか。 The month of June went by so fast after the students came back from the Okinawa field trip. It’s been filled not only with classes but also various interesting events! One of the great things about studying abroad is definitely that there are so many opportunities to learn about the culture, people and so many different things you see in the country.