ROUTE TO PARKING g n i s u g n i k r a p Route to g o z t r e H y r r Ba oogle Maps https://www.google.com/maps/@-26.1671153,28.00854,1 Marks Park Sports Club Judith Rd https://www.google.com/maps/@-26.1659841,28.0047692,18.01z Ba rr y He rtz og Av e !"#$%"&"$'()*+$,-./012$34&56$7&% ())$8 You can use Barry Hertzog in both directions, from Victory Park or from the Melville side. Marks Park Sports Club Judith Rd Depending on the direction you are coming from, you will either turn left or right into Judith Road. Please follow the instructions of road marshalls to keep traffic flowing smoothly. You will travel for another 1km, where you will turn right into Orange Road. From here you will be directed into parking. !"#$%"&"$'()*+$,-./012$34&56$7&% 12 HOLLARD JURA | Jozi Urban Run Adventure 8)$9