The Advocate Magazine 2022 Issue 2 | Page 14

Counseling Children and Adolescents From a Neuroscience-Informed Perspective

Clinical Mental Health Counselors across multiple settings who work with children and adolescents know that innovation is essential to assist not only the children and adolescents we serve , but their caregivers and teachers . In our 2020 book , “ Neuroscience-Informed Counseling With Children and Adolescents ,” we provide practical tools that we hope Clinical Mental Health Counselors ( CMHCs ) can easily implement when working with children , adolescents , and families .
Michelle R . Ghoston , PhD , LCMHC-QS , LPC ( VA ), ACS , is an assistant professor at Wake Forest University , Department of Counseling . Her research focuses on social justice and equity , and incorporating neuroeducation into counseling with a range of clients . During her academic career , she has published a number of peer-reviewed articles and has co-authored a book . While she enjoys research , she also enjoys putting knowledge into practice as she values mentoring and collaborating on a range of topics . In addition to her academic responsibilities , she maintains a small caseload where she is honored to work with children , adolescents , couples , and families . Her passion for teaching and research keeps her busy , but in her spare time , she enjoys most competitive sports .
Thomas A . Field , PhD , LMHC , LPC , NCC , CCMHC , ACS , an associate professor at Oregon State University , previously worked as a faculty member at Boston University School of Medicine . His research focuses on the integration of neuroscience into counseling practice , and professional and social justice advocacy . During his academic career , he has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and has also authored two books on the topic of neuroscience integration . He has received grant funding from agencies that include the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMSHA ). In addition to faculty responsibilities , he has actively helped clients with mental health concerns since 2006 . He has provided counseling to more than 1,000 clients during his career and currently maintains a small private practice where he sees adolescents and adults .
In the book , we first describe three fundamental principles of working with children . We believe these three principles are , as Carl Rogers would say , “ necessary and sufficient ” for working with children and adolescents :
• Principle # 1 : Seek to know people ( in this case , children and adolescents ) beyond their labels . Our profession historically has relied on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM ) to guide diagnosis and treatment planning . Our field often wrestles with the reality that diagnostic labels can be both inaccurate and stigmatizing . For example , children often have transdiagnostic presentations , and these cross-cutting symptoms often do not fit into neat diagnostic categories . This is especially problematic when considering that diagnostic labels can follow children and adolescents into adulthood and can influence how they view themselves . We should work to get to know our clients and not reduce them to a diagnostic code in the DSM .
• Principle # 2 : Form effective working relationships . Flexibility and openness to adjusting our approach and belief system is paramount when working with children and adolescents . Our clients will come from different walks of life and cultural backgrounds . We must be willing to form relationships with our clients and their families , taking the time to get to know them and the things that are important to their daily lives . At a minimum , our approach should consider the child or adolescent stage of development , cognitive abilities , and chronological age .
• Principle # 3 : Address personal and professional growth as a counselor . As CMHCs , we must be careful
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14 The Advocate Magazine 2022 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org