El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (THE CISO JOURNAL) EDICIÓN 2/19 | Page 3

EL DIARIO DEL CISO (THE CISO JOURNAL) Pensando y Trabajando por un Líder de Seguridad Digital Thoughts of LSD Uncomfortable Conversations of a Digital Security Leader Andrés Ricardo Almanza Junco Communication is described as a process between two parties that exchange information and as a result of that exchange results are produced, not only talking about the mere exchange but the results and that significantly influences the form and background of the communication. Communicate according to the different books, articles and debates emphasize communication as an indispensable tool of the Leaders. Now this led to the life of a #LSD and any digital security professional is a fundamental tool for the development and performance of the functions and clearly obtaining results. Therefore communicate not only be done but must be continuous and constant and that is one of the momentous changes everything #LSD must assume as part of the evolution of their role. Communicate, communicate, communicate will therefore become a top priority task. "The success of today's leaders is measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations they are willing to have and face." Tim Ferriss. You have noticed as a professional that many of your results pass through the hands of other people. Ex: Keeping platforms updated clearly is a key component and this goes through the hands of an area of information technology and not directly by the hands of the security professional. This, like many other examples, shows the dynamics of the communications of the security professionals as well as the # LSD. In this same dynamic we must say that these relationships and their necessary tensions show the role and work of communication and the effort that the professional must make with increasing consistency to make communication a useful tool in the development of the security function. The communication process starts in people and ends in people, the content of it is just that content. It is very important that #LSD understand that all your communications will not be simple, it is normal and it is common. According to communication experts, to measure the results of a Leader today, precisely that is used. How do you communicate in moments of tension? What should you say when you are subjected to tension, confrontation or simply have an uncomfortable conversation? What are those uncomfortable conversations that you may have? This at the head of a #LSD is a key to being able to precisely handle the moment of an uncomfortable conversation. There are some key elements; It is necessary that #LSD understand who their audiences are, this is fundamental. Erik Douglas Communication expert at this point highlights in his model of the 4-D that exist the above, the below, their peers and what it says over time. In the same way, the author emphasizes that all good communication, no matter how complex it may be, must begin by being an excellent listener and in uncomfortable moments even more. Another key element for a #LSD is to understand that an uncomfortable conversation does not have to be a confrontation. There are some key elements to handle an uncomfortable conversation that can be useful, represented in the following diagram. With this in mind, keep in mind that you are an individual just like your interlocutor (s); do not forget that they are completely different worlds from you and that they have different histories from yours in their imaginaries. The more you try to be neutral, the more successful you will be in that uncomfortable conversation that you will surely hold. So things are left these reflection questions that seek to reflect on their conversations and particularly those that are uncomfortable. How are you understanding and responding to your different types of audiences? What kind of attention and intention do you show in your conversations? How are you listening? How are you responding? Based on what you are expressing yourself? "All our results go through our conversations, what kind of results do you want? What are the conversations that you hold?" Aalmanza Referencias Leaders Should Triple the Amount of Time They Spend Communicating. Eric Douglas The power of uncomfortable conversations. Sam Mednick The Price of Being a High Performer with Rich Litvin. Mark Mcguinness A Leader’s Guide to Effective Dialogue Under Pressure. David Maxfield Uncomfortable conversations: how to navigate them. Lia Miller