Bizpreneur Middle East April 2021 | Page 34

taking a holistic look at

the motivation of leaders


and teams through the

four quadrants


Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

                                                                                                                        -Lao Tzu


A few years ago, I had the chance to coach the CFO of an international organization in India during a project that covered many countries. The main theme we worked on was the relationship with his team (not his communication, I want to highlight this point), how to improve it and increase the teams influence within the organization. However, whenever the subject became about his inner world, he unwittingly guided the conversation toward the teams individual and collective attitudes and behavior.


Meeting Ken Wilber in Denver, Colorado in 2006 deeply affected my view of my coaching career and life experiences. As a mathematics engineer, I find being able to recognize cultural aspects (as much as I'm able) as well as systemic and holistic approaches, both individually and collectively, very valuable.


I'd like to share with you ICF ACTP certified I.C. Integral Coaching™ and I.L. Integral Leadership™ (intended for senior managers) which are both based on the All Quadrants approach and began in 2018 abroad and in 2020 in Turkey. Using this foundational method, I hope to contribute both to the motivation you provide and your leadership skills.


We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.

                                                                                                                        -Anais Nin


The reactions and responses we unwittingly give to situations, events and people generally come from four main areas. If we pay attention to our discourse, we will notice that we often overutilize one of those areas.


The area which we use the most will unintentionally limit our views, thoughts, perspectives and actions. As a leader or leadership team, if we become aware of which area, we utilize the most, our personal lens will be broken and we'll have the chance to look, think and act from other perspectives.


The subject will become easier to understand when we visualize it:

The main message of the holistic perspective is this: These four quadrants exist in every situation we come across in personal and professional life. Each of them is important and valuable. In order to receive and provide leadership, the first area we need to focus on is the upper left quadrant (UL.)