



Arbor Day of Service is April 26 , 2024

Where will you lend a hand ?
Every April , MAA coordinates a statewide volunteer workday involving hundreds of MAA members . The MAA ' s Arbor Day of Service gives tree care professionals a chance to make a direct impact in their local communities , while drawing attention to the importance of proper tree care and tree planting . Arborists work collaboratively on large projects , or independently on smaller projects , at sites like community parks , schools , town commons or conservation land .
Now is the time to look around your local area for a site in need and offer your professional services for a day . It ’ s a great way to give back in your community !
The MAA provides tools to help promote your involvement with Arbor Day of Service including signs , stickers , sample news releases , check lists , and more .
Want to get involved ?
If you ’ re interested in volunteering on Arbor Day , stop by MassArbor . org to view the list of sites in need . Contact the organizer directly to start planning your volunteer effort – and then be sure to let MAA know your plans !
We hope everyone planning a project will take a moment to visit MassArbor . org to tell us your plans . We want to promote your volunteer efforts !
Editor ’ s Note : Last year , the MAA partnered with the Trustees at Bird Park in Walpole , MA for an association-wide Arbor Day of Service celebration . We ’ ll plan on a similar , large-scale group event in April 2025 .
Thank you to our Arbor Day of Service Sponsors ( to date )
Arborway Tree Care Barrett Tree Service East , Inc . C & S Insurance Cleaves Company Inc . Northern Boston Tree Service Olde Colonial Tree & Landscape , Inc . Palaza & McDonough Tree Service SavATree
Please see page 12 for information about Arbor Day of Service sponsors and sponsorship opportunities .

Arbor Day of Service 2024 - Sites in Need

With sites in need in many regions of the state , MAA members have plenty of options for where and how to make a difference ! Visit the ADOS Sites in Need page at the website to get in touch with a project organizer .
Site locations in Sharon , Topsfield , Wellfleet , Lincoln , Marshfield … and more !