Healthcare Hygiene magazine November 2022 November 2022 | Page 24

sterile processing

sterile processing

By Julie E . Williamson

Honorary Weeks for SP , IP , OR Disciplines Offer Unique Ways to Strengthen Teamwork

Sterile Processing Week and International Infection Prevention Week were both celebrated a day apart in October , and November brings Perioperative Nurse Week ( Nov . 13-19 ). All three consecutive events create a perfect opportunity to improve interdisciplinary support , appreciation and recognition .
The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association ( HSPA ) encourages sterile processing ( SP ) professionals to extend their reach beyond their department walls and strive to bridge gaps and strengthen partnerships with operating room ( OR ) professionals , infection preventionists and other interdisciplinary teammates . The OR relies heavily on SP professionals to provide clean , sterile , well-functioning , and properly maintained and managed instruments and equipment to meet patient and procedural needs throughout the day . Each SP professional ’ s dedication to following the latest industry standards , guidelines , best practices , and instructions for use ( IFU ) directly affect infection prevention and control efforts , quality customer service and patient outcomes . At the same time , OR team members can contribute to the success of their SP partners by performing proper point-of-use treatment on instruments during and immediately following their use and then ensuring all used devices are transported as quickly as possible to the SPD ’ s decontamination area to help prevent bioburden from drying and hardening on instruments and difficult-to-remove biofilm from developing on their surfaces .
Although SP and OR professionals — and even infection preventionists ( IPs )— have different core roles , each shares an essential mission : preventing infections and promoting safe , timely , high-quality patient care . The close interworking of these three allied professions accentuates the value of taking time to honor each during their official celebratory weeks and then fostering strong and productive teamwork throughout the year .
Amp up the appreciation , education
In October , HSPA and Healthcare Hygiene magazine partnered for the 2022 virtual Symposium on Sterile Processing & Infection Prevention , which provided free top-quality education ( worth six continuing education credits ) and valuable networking opportunities . The three-day live event launched during Sterile Processing Week ( Oct . 11-13 ), with all content now provided on-demand for registered participants through Dec . 31 , 2022 . Some of the event ’ s education addressed the critical importance of aligning SP professionals with their IP and OR peers and other allied departments , and even fostering more effective relationships with those in the C-suite . ( If you missed any of the sessions , they are now also accessible on the Healthcare Hygiene magazine website at : https :// www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com / test-2 / sp-symposium-sessions /)
During each discipline ’ s honorary week , it is beneficial to invite broader participation and support through departmental tours , targeted educational offerings and open house events . For Sterile Processing
Week , for example , HSPA encourages SP managers to invite other departments and facility executives to the department for a tour of each SP area , educational in-services , potlucks , and other activities promoted by the SP team that can help demonstrate the profession ’ s many vital roles and contributions .
“ When people who aren ’ t overly familiar with the SPD come to the department , they are often shocked by all that takes place there , and how much detail and expertise is required to complete every step and stage in the process ,” says HSPA director of education Natalie Lind , CRCST , CHL , FCS . “ Including customers , executives and others to the SPD helps promote valuable teaching and communication moments . The OR and other direct patient care areas the SPD serves can receive valuable hands-on training about proper point-of-care treatment and prompt delivery of used instruments to the SPD , effective management of loaned instruments , biofilm risks , standards updates , facility policies , avoidable instrument damage , and more .”
With Infection Prevention Week immediately following Sterile Processing Week , and Perioperative Nurse Week approaching shortly thereafter , reciprocal arrangements are a prudent pursuit . As Lind points out , SP managers can invite their IPs and healthcare customers to present their own brief education during Sterile Processing Week , and then those departments can invite their SP teammates to their events to learn more about how the devices processed in the SPD are used in patient care . OR nurses , for example , can speak directly with SP staff during Perioperative Nurse Week to educate about particular instrumentation-related issues that challenge the OR team .
Of course , there are many other ways to recognize interdisciplinary partners and patient safety allies during their honorary weeks and throughout the full year . Each department can consider giving heartfelt cards and letters of appreciation — all signed by departmental teammates , across all shifts . [ Note : HSPA created free , downloadable and customizable Sterile Processing Week templates , including certificates , awards , thank-you cards , and wall posters that can serve as templates for yearlong recognition and even be tailored to acknowledge the SPD ’ s support of IPs and OR nurses , for example . Visit https :// myhspa . org / about / sp-week . html to access the downloadable items .]
“ Thoughtful notes with a plate of baked good or other seemingly small tokens of appreciation can be very meaningful and help make all of our dedicated professional weeks of honor even more special and memorable ,” Lind adds , noting that not only should managers and supervisors take time to recognize their staff members , but they should also encourage their employees to recognize their peers . “ People do good things every day , all year , so we should draw attention to that frequently . If we see someone going above and beyond , let ’ s recognize that and support their efforts . This is true of our own internal teams as well as those in the departments we serve .” Indeed , it does not take much to say , “ Thank you for your help ” or “ Thank you for your patience and understanding ,” or “ We appreciate the work you do and your willingness to partner even stronger for patient safety .”
“ This type of positive reinforcement and recognition , provided verbally and in writing , is what builds long-lasting camaraderie , promotes effective knowledge sharing and facilitates more effective teamwork ,” Lind adds . “ All that plays a significant role in quality service , patient safety and other positive outcomes .”
Julie E . Williamson is director of communications for the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association ( HSPA ).
24 november 2022 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com