Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Issue 20 Nisan | April 2023 | Page 26

Communion and the Flames of End-Times

Revival !

S T E W A R T L I E B E R M A N Recently , our Congregation celebrated our seventh anniversary . For myself as a congregational leader , and for us as a community , these times are valuable and worthy of celebration , to evaluate and reflect on our foundational vision and to honestly make sure we are doing what Father has asked us to do !
It shouldn ’ t have to be a depressing exercise or a soul-wrenching ‘ pity party ” on how badly you have missed it . Actually , it was encouraging for us to see that our call to be a “ Place for His Presence ” as well as a “ Bridge connecting our Messianic Movement with the Body in Israel and the regional Church ” was actually coming into focus !
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