Conversion Tools Kevin Murphy Color.Me Conversion Chart

COLOR CONVERSION CHART Kevin Murphy Color.Me → This conversion chart was created by our color professionals as a guide. These comparisons are recommendations ONLY, not exact formula or shade matches. Color may vary depending on the natural tone, texture, porosity and condition of the hair. To achieve the best tonal end result, follow manufacturer instructions and formulation guidelines. Kevin Murphy Color.Me the color XG ® Kevin Murphy Color.Me NATURAL the color XG ® Kevin Murphy Color.Me GOLD/ASH 11.0 12/0 9.31 the color XG ® RED INTENSE 8.66 1 part 7/4 + 1 part Clear Booster + Red Intensifier *see chart 7.66 7/4 + Red Intensifier *see chart 2 parts 9/3 + 1 part 9/1 10.0 10/0 8.31 2 parts 8/3 + 1 part 8/1 9.0 9/0 7.31 2 parts 7/3 + 1 part 7/1 8.0 8/0 6.31 2 parts 6/3 + 1 part 6/1 7.0 7/0 6.0 6/0 11.3 12/0 + dot Gold Intensifier 5.0 5/0 10.3 10/3 11.1 12/1 4.0 4/0 9.3 9/3 10.1 10/1 3.0 3/0 8.3 8/3 9.1 9/1 1.0 1/0 7.3 7/3 8.1 8/1 INTENSE NATURAL 6.3 6/3 7.1 7/1 INTENSE ASH 1.11 GOLD 1/11 ASH 8.00 8/00 5.3 5/3 6.1 6/1 7.00 7/00 8.34 2 parts 8/3 + 1 part 8/34 5.1 5/1 6.00 6/00 7.34 2 parts 7/3 + 1 part 7/34 5.00 5/00 6.34 2 parts 6/3 + 1 part 6/34 BEIGE COPPER GOLD 11.2 12/80 7.43 1 part 7/34 + 1 part 7/3 10.2 10/80 6.43 1 part 6/34 + 1 part 6/3 9.2 9/80 5.43 1 part 4/34 + 2 parts 5/3 8.2 8/80 4.43 1 part 4/34 + 1 part 4/3 7.2 7/80 6.2 6/80 CHOCOLATE COPPER 8.4 8/34 6.4 6/34 7.7 1 part 7/00 + 1 part 7/47 COPPER RED 6.7 1 part 6/00 + 1 part 6/47 7.46 7/43 + Orange Intensifier *see chart 5.7 1 part 5/00 + 1 part 5/47 7.64 7/43 4.7 1 part 4/00 + 1 part 4/47 RED 6.6 6/4 5.6 5/4 *See the color XG ® paper chart available for download at or MAHOGANY 5.5 5/47 4.5 4/47 VIOLET-RED 5.86 5/64 VIOLET 5.8 2 parts 6/6 + 1 part 4/6 4.8 4/6