Journal on Policy and Complex Systems Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2020 | Page 84

Judge _ Rosters Table
Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
This table has the judge _ id and all of their aliases used in the dataset . Recall the fact that the judges have been reported by different aliases in the cases reports .
Column name Data type Description
judge _ alias
Part of the table composite primary key .
The alias used in the cases report for the judges .
judge _ code
Part of the table composite primary key .
The code of the judge that the alias belongs to .
Cases Rosters Table
This is an associative table for the many-to-many relationship between the Cases and Judge _ Rosters Tables . It shows the majority , dissent , and concurring writers ( judges ) of the case . The relationship is many-to-many because the case may have one or more writers and the judge may vote and write one or more cases . The relationship is between the Cases and Judge _ Rosters Tables , not the Judge Table , to connect cases with judges ’ aliases used in the case report .
Column name Data type Description
case _ lexis _ reporter
Part of the table composite primary key The case _ lexis _ reporter Foreign key from the table “ cases ” to connect the cases with the judges who voted on the case and their decisions on that case
judge _ alias
Part of the table composite primary key
judge _ code
The judge alias and code
Foreign key from the table “ Judge _ rosters ” to connect the cases with the judges who voted on the case and their decisions on that case
decision _ type
The judge ’ s decision on the case which could be opinion
writer ( O ) or dissent writer ( D ) or concurring writer ( C )
Dispositions Table
This table has all the disposition values that have been created in the processing stage and their descriptions .
Column name Data type Description
disposition _ value
Primary key of the table .
The code number of the disposition .
disposition _ description Text The disposition description .