Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 6 | Page 6


Navigating My Comfort Zone

Neale Donald Walsch , an American author , speaker , screenwriter and actor , said , “ Life begins at the end of your comfort zone .” This quote is a reminder that whatever you ’ re searching for is just outside your comfort zone , peeking over the new horizon . 1

What inspiring words from Mr . Walsch : words that could resonate with most physicians . From committing to medical school , residency and possible fellowship , we all have performed outside our comfort zone . But , through the years , our individual comfort zone has changed and matured , a zone that is not the same for everyone , a zone that requires us to extend and grow . What does it take to navigate outside our comfort zone ?
I relish familiarity and the comfort it provides me . Navigating outside my comfort zone can feel paralyzing and unattainable . I remember with vivid detail the first family I counseled after the death of their child . I was so frightened and aware of my inexperience , of ineptness that might be exposed . As a pediatrician who has cared for many children , a mother of two children who had not been exposed to this type of tragedy on a personal level , I truly was outside my comfort zone . What I could provide was an opportunity to listen , to hold them close and to offer as much empathy as possible . My paralysis quickly resolved , and I offered what I could . As the years flew by , unfortunately , there were additional deaths , all tragic in their own way . My comfort zone matured as I did my best to aid parents / caregivers with their sorrow and pain .
There are additional ways to overcome our resistance as we move outside our comfort zone . Speaking to someone who has had previous experience in counseling families as they confront a tragedy can support our ability to feel more confident . Listening and developing our own conversation can build accuracy in accepting our possible limitations . Taking the process of learning slowly while being kind to ourselves as we acknowledge how daunting this might be is honesty in action : it ’ s acceptable to admit we are afraid as we ask for help or make change .
As physicians , we learn by necessity how to accept change and face uncomfortable boundaries defining what we do not know and what we need to know . Realizing that I wanted to offer more , I have stepped outside my comfort zone by embarking on obtaining a degree in psychology . By understanding the process of grief from a more educated perspective , I might be better able to offer the comfort and compassion that is so needed .
So , I am officially a student at the University of Louisville , in the Psychology department . Let me share the new comfort zone I reside in as I again became a student . First , the registration process ( the algorithm ) was not created with a MD , MBA in mind . Obtaining ALL my official transcripts was somewhat daunting . Thankfully , meeting with advisors provided not only help but also a perspective on the learning process . Classes have been full of surprises as I navigate writing papers with appropriate references attached , posting on a topic in a “ thread ” then following with two posts to my classmates and lastly , the dreaded tests .
Psychology exams can be very interesting compared to previous exams . I participate in “ quizzes ” in a platform named InQuisitive . I read the question , then determine my confidence in the ability to answer , mark that point (“ I know it !” to “ I have no idea !”), then receive a score based on my confidence . Higher confidence provides a higher score . And , I must add , if the answer is incorrect , depending on my confidence score , points are deducted . As I take the exam , I am focusing on my score with points added or subtracted , highlights on the screen with a “ whoosh ” sound effect followed by gentle reminders that I have missed the last two questions . When I finally choose the answer , I must remind myself what the question was pertaining to . It is a moving experience that will occasionally leave me deflated .
After taking these quizzes and the timed tests , I begin to experience some regret . Should I have begun this journey ? Should I reconsider ? Or do I plan to improve my test taking skills ? This is all part of stepping outside our comfort zone . It is difficult . Questioning our capabilities to exist outside of our zone and reflecting on some regret is part of the process . But it is necessary to grow , to empower us to move forward . I will navigate outside my comfort zone as I “ peek over the horizon .” And I will remember to answer the quiz questions with “ I know it !”
Walsch , Neale D ., ( 2023 , September 20 ). “ Life begins at the end of your comfort zone ”. MyBenziger .
mybenziger . com
Dr . Purcell currently serves as the District IV Vice Chair for the American Academy of Pediatrics .