Diabetes Newsletter - February 2020 Diabetes_ENews_FEB2020

0 DIABETES ONE DAY AT A TIME Inside this issue p 2 Calendar of Events p 2 Food Safety During Storms p 3 Healthier Fast Food Choices p 4 No-Bake Cookies Mixay’s Motivational Minute By Mixay S. Burney, BSN, RN Poor health choices can lead to serious health problems when you have diabetes. Living with diabetes can be hard, but you can absolutely live a healthy life if you make the needed changes. When your blood sugar levels get too high or too low, you have what’s called uncontrolled diabetes. People with uncontrolled diabetes have and can develop serious health problems including heart disease or a stroke, kidney disease, adult-onset blindness, and lower-limb amputations. 1 To avoid these problems, keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range by using the blood in your fingers to check your blood sugar numbers and taking all your medications as directed. It’s also important to eat healthy, exercise, and keep a healthy weight. By doing all these things, your eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, and feet will stay healthy. And so will you! Talk to your doctor if you need help in making these changes. Keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range by checking blood sugar numbers and taking all medications as directed. As we open the door on a new year, let’s welcome it with an inviting smile, embracing arms, and an optimistic view. Let us start fresh and challenge ourselves to do better, live healthier, and be happier. Let's commit to staying focused, keeping our eyes on the prize, always smiling, listening to our gut, always putting our best foot forward and stepping into the new year with a new you. Because life can still be sweet with diabetes. Take Care and Stay Healthy! References: 1. cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/quick-facts.html