ON Chiropractic Fall/Winter 2018 | Page 18

• The site has a finder to locate Seniors Active Living Centres, which offer a range of social, learning and recreation programs for seniors across Ontario. Home First Initiative • • A provincial government program that provides support to both caregivers and patients so they can return home after a hospitalization, rather than waiting in hospital to move to a long-term care or retirement home. The Home First program is available through Local Health Integration Networks’ Home and Community Care to all adults with OHIP coverage. Recommended Reading Resource! Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors - find it at www.ontario.ca The Canadian Home Care Association trade group found the program reduced the amount of time seniors spend in hospital. Quality of Life for a Lifetime By addressing the health care needs of Ontario’s seniors now, we are addressing our own needs for the future. The experience for older adults should include the prevention and management of episodic and chronic MSK issues associated with age-related illness and disease. The benefits include minimizing and managing risk, promoting healthy aging and encouraging social participation and activity. 4 When chiropractors and other primary care providers work together, a health strategy can develop that will ensure our seniors the effective, integrated health care and supportive community care they need to enjoy the best quality of life possible. References 1 Statistics Canada. (2016). Seniors. Retrieved from https://https:// www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11- 402-x/2012000/chap/seniors-aines/ seniors-aines-eng.htm 2 Donato, G. (2018, October 30). Aging: how to stay active when it hurts to do so. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/ life/adv/article-aging-how-to-stay- active-when-it-hurts-to-do-so/ 3 Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). The chief public health officer’s report on the state of public health in Canada, 2010: Growing older—adding life to years. Ottawa: Retrieved from http:// www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/cphorsphc- respcacsp/2010/fr-rc/pdf/cpho_ report_2010_e.pdf 4 Canadian Medical Association. (2015). A policy framework to guide a national senior’s strategy for Canada. Retrieved from https://www.cma.ca/ Assets/assets-library/document/en/ about-us/gc2015/policy-framework- to-guide-seniors_en.pdf Additional source Statistics Canada. Population projections for Canada, provinces and territories 2009 to 2036. 91-520-X. Ottawa: Statistics Canada; 2010 June. 18 FALL/WINTER 2018