KEHE_GoodnessReport_2023 | Page 10

Every other company that we compete with could have the same strategy as us , but they don ' t have our people , and our culture is our secret ingredient that allows us to be successful .
– Deb Conklin

Every other company that we compete with could have the same strategy as us , but they don ' t have our people , and our culture is our secret ingredient that allows us to be successful .

– Deb Conklin

After working at KeHE for one year , employees can enter the ESOP program and begin earning stock in the company . This means they are helping to make KeHE great , and also investing in their futures . In fact , several KeHE employee-owners working in our DCs have an ESOP account valued at over $ 1 million .
But it ' s not just about the money . Being an owner of KeHE means that how well we do our jobs and help others to succeed directly impacts how KeHE and our stock perform .
We take our employees into consideration for everything we do . Whether that means participating in local community support events and serving trips with KeHE Cares © , creating special interest Belonging Groups , or deciding where to direct KeHE Cares funds , the whole person wellbeing of KeHE employees is always a priority .
KeHE is nearly 90 % employee-owned , which means we all have a stake in the company ' s success . When KeHE does well , we all do well .
The best part is that employees pay nothing for their KeHE stock — KeHE contributes company stock to employees ’ accounts annually , equaling up to 25 % of employees ’ eligible annual wages .
Over the years , KeHE stock has continuously reached new all-time highs .
FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
ESOP share price is now up 221 % since 2018 vs . 75 % increase in the S & P 500 .