Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 28 - Feb | Mar 2019 | Page 58

The most common question from most business owners is always, “What are the best marketing strategies to use?” We caught up with Creative Advertising Expert, Lars Halsvorsen, CEO of AdMarketing Australia, who gives us the low- down on what works best when it comes to marketing your business. Most business and brand owners are faced with a constant chal- lenge. There is an absolute need for increased visibility to improve sales, however marketing is viewed by many business owners as a cost not as an investment and when times are tough, this investment is the first that is cut. There are many things that can be done on a small tight budget, to reach more customers without giving up your daily tea, coffee or a glass of wine. The challenge is though, that you do need to invest time. If you’re working hard to build a good relationship with your existing and potential new customers by adding value, then WKHUH DUH D QXPEHU RI JUHDWª strategies you can put into place to promote your business or brand. 1. Use Social Media every day You simply cannot ignore social media. That's where so much magic is happening every day 24/7. There are many businesses and brand that have been built completely with the help of social media. It can be intimidating, how- ever as you build momentum, you'll find posting on social media gets easier and if you do not have time, then put a professional in place to do it all for you and meet with them every week to discuss strategy and get a report on all activity. you provide, the quicker you can boost your online visibility, and ultimately, your sales. YouTube is the “go to” search engine behind Google, and so many people just use it to see and learn whatever it may be that they need to see and learn. Whenever someone wants to learn something visually, they head to YouTube. Ask yourself what you could teach your customers and potential new customers. You will hate hearing your own voice and seeing yourself, but you don't have to appear on camera if you don’t want, but it is best if at least you are heard. 3. At least once a month write a blog and regularly add to your website. Facebook ads. With Facebook, you can reach a very specific audience and you can do it very easily. You can target by interest, age, rela- tionship status, geographic loca- tion, and more, AND it is much more cost effective. Getting great results isn't just about click through traffic. 6. Create an affiliate program with a complementing business or brand Affiliate marketing can provide strong growth and bring new customers, however, approaching the right affiliates isn't always easy. A men’s fashion store and sporting clubs are perfect part- ners. Women’s hairdressing salons have a plethora of potential affiliate partners. Use your imagination and contacts to make it happen. If you don't have a blog for your business on your website, then you need to start one, or commission someone else to write it regularly for you. 7. You DO need to maintain a 4. Learn more about how you can improve your own Google online organic ranking and search engine optimisation. This is an area of marketing that can be a little overwhelming, however it can also be very powerful. When you learn how to assist your organic SEO this will help your business very much and its online organic ranking. You can't take shortcuts with SEO. You do have to put in the work and the time if you want to see the results. Or get a reliable marketing expert to help educate you. 2. Create video stories on your 5. Build a fan club for your social and web site. A very effective way to promote brand via your Facebook Page your business is to create video and use Facebook ads and stories. Teach your potential new re-targeting. marketing mix, have a plan and be consistent. Traditional advertising media is very important. Local radio, televi- sion and quality print publications still have a strong part to play in helping you increase your top of mind brand awareness and also pull through sales leads and enquiry. Signage and billboard advertising are also vital as a part of the mix and it all means that just as you have a business plan, you also need a marketing and adver- tising plan (and allocated budget) set in place in order to achieve the desired growth in your business. Lars Halvorsen is a Business and Marketing Coach and Advisor, Cre- ative Advertising Expert and Social Media Guru. To arrange an appoint- customers something useful. Walk One of the most powerful mediums ment, email Les.Hall@AdMarketin- them through it. The better you you can use to promote just gAustralia.com.au or call on Lars are at this, and the more value about anything these days are direct line 0408 888 537.