
Vol. 8, Issue : 7 & 8 July-August 2016 Let Us March Forward in the Revolutionary Path shown by Comrade Tarimela Nagi Reddy By July 28, 2016 forty years have elapsed since the martyrdom of our beloved leader Comrade Tarimela Nagi Reddy. This is the solemn occasion to commemorate and memorise our great leader by recollecting for what he fought and strove through his entire life and died and to pay our homage to our beloved leader Com T.N, by rededicating our-selves to the revolutionary tasks in the light of the path shown by him and his teachings. Com T.N is a great revolutionarycomm unist leader. He is an exem plary Marxist-Leninist intellectual. His sole and life-long objective was to resurrect the great glory of the Indian people and the Indian nation. Thus he was a patriot of the highest order. He has shone as a hero in the field of revolutionary politics of India. He was a great person who sacrificed every-thing in his life to the cause of Indian revolution. He is one of the best proponents of the theory of communist revolution in India. He has studied in detail and depth about the pitiable conditions and their cause which have been looming in India even after a period of so-called independence of India in 1947 and analysed them with a true Marxist-Leninist perspective. He reached to the irrefutable conclusion that only transfer of power has occurred between the British colonialists and ruling-classes of India in 1947, but not independence to India in 1947. He has concentrated his attention of his study particularly on the role of foreign capital in India; and its adverse effects on Indian economy. He had drawn the correct conclusion that inviting foreign capital to India is nothing but inviting imperialist exploitation, and total submission to imperialism. He proved that even after 25 years of the socalled proclamation of indepen dence, economic independence of India has become a mirage. He, with his astute analysis, has proved that India is still a semicolonial and semi-feudal country. Basing on these conclusions drawn by him, he considered the Indian National Liberation struggle has not yet concluded and he explained that it is the duty of Indian people to continue the struggle with stead-fastness and vigour. Teaching that the Communist revolutionaries of India have to rebuild the revolutionary Communist Party, with the discipline of the past, with selfless sacrifice, basing on strong foundations of proper theory and path and have to build a strong revolutionary organisation. Throughout his life Com. T.N. has tirelessly strove to realise this objective with utmost dedication. Through his court-statement called ‘India Mortgaged’ he proved the inevitability and the imminent necessity of a new democratic revolution to occur in India. The formulations made by Com T.N. and the conclusions drawn by him are as relevant today, as when they were made 45 years back. Organ of the Central Committee of CPI(ML)