Commerce_23_07_v21 | Page 16



Accounting Firms Calculate How to Overcome Talent Shortages

Compiled by Diane C . Walsh Editor , COMMERCE

There ’ s a talent shortage affecting every industry across the spectrum . And accounting is one of the hardest hit . Ralph Albert Thomas , the outgoing executive director of the New Jersey Society of CPAs , identified it as the profession ’ s biggest challenge . In his retirement , Thomas is exploring a new role as “ executive in residence ” at area colleges and universities to encourage students – especially ones of color – to choose careers as certified public accountants . His remarks lead COMMERCE Magazine to pose a question to managing partners at leading accounting firms , asking them to discuss how the shortage is affecting their practices and what steps they are taking to combat it .

Citrin Cooperman Alex Serrano NJ Managing Partner
The unemployment of accountants is significantly lower than the national unemployment rate , which is why Citrin Cooperman is addressing the labor shortage at the root level .
In addition to setting an example by enriching the professional experience of our staff through
Accounting + provides students with access to resources and continued support along their journeys , from initial discovery about how a career in accounting can match their own passions and goals , to ultimately choosing accounting as a major of study in college .
numerous benefits programs that focus on education and collaborative and flexible work environments , we ensure that our recruitment efforts reflect the diverse communities we serve . Citrin Cooperman is deeply invested in moving the needle on diversity recruitment for the accounting profession , through meaningful and actionable commitments to organizations focused on DEI .
We have partnered with Accounting +, a national awareness campaign created in collaboration with the Center for Audit Quality and leading accounting firms to help non-majority high school and college students discover the vast opportunities in the accounting field . Accounting + provides students with access to resources and continued support along their journeys , from initial discovery about how a career in accounting can match their own passions and goals , to ultimately choosing accounting as a major of study in college . Our people also participate in regional career development opportunities with organizations like Think Big for Kids , and local chapters of CPA associations , geared to the non-majority population . Our diverse college alumni professionals work with their alma maters to organize career days intended to relay the benefits of a career in accounting for college students at every level . Our aim is to fundamentally change the unemploy-
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Accounting firms are finding that implementing Diversity , Equity and Inclusion policies help to attract new employees
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / Koh Sze Kiat
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