AFISE VCT for HIV and Viral Hep B and C in Dobrogea

Hepatitis B Virus 0.36 2.96 Hepatitis C Virus 0.36 3.16 4.53 4.77 2010 2011 0.27 HIV 0.28 2.85 3.21 4.15 4.1 2012 2013 Voluntary Counseling and Testing Program for HIV and Viral Hepatitis B and C in Dobrogea Introduction Baylor Romania has been developing in Constanta and Tulcea the only Voluntary Counseling and Testing program for HIV, Hepatitis B and C in Romania for the past 4 years. Its goal is to increase the access to testing and early diag- nosis to these infections diseases and also to provide through mandatory counseling sessions preventive messages for people otherwise not targeted by IEC activities. 2007 At the beginning: In 2007, Baylor initiates the Voluntary Counseling and Testing program for HIV, basing on the functional partnerships with hospitals in the two counties and on Determine rapid tests donation from Abbott Fund. By 2010, the year when disturbing information concerning the incidence of chronic viral hepatitis B (4-6%) and C (2-4%) was disclosed in Romania, a number of 7,000 persons had already accessed this Baylor free, fast and confidential service. 2010 Age distribution of reactive patients The extension of counseling and testing services package at the 3H (HIV, HBV and HCV): Just in 2010, with the diversification of the testing offer, the number of those who passed Baylor threshold was about 5,500 persons. In the last year, the number of tested persons reached 8,650. Approximately 2,000 of them received counseling and testing services in the mobile labora- tory (as shown in the photo). The group of the mentioned service’s beneficia- ries is not a targeted one. The only condition imposed by the program is that the person receiving the testing service has an identity card. Testing is vol- untary, confidential but not anonymous. Moreover, our organization is also authorized as a personal data user and all the clients are able to express their agreement/disagreement regarding the use of denominated information provided during the counseling sessions. The access to testing is done by phone or on-line appointment; the Voluntary Counseling and Testing service may be freely accessed within three fixed cen- ters (two placed in Constanta and one established in Tulcea) or in the mobile unit. 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 <15 15‐19 20‐24 Hepatitis B Hepatitis C 25‐29 30‐39 HIV 2011 2014 Authors: Ana-Maria Schweitzer, MSC Mihaela Bogdan, Cpsychol Stefania Mihale, LMSW Roxana Popescu, CPsychol Testing mobile unit: this is a van especially available for the population living in rural areas. The service has been functional since 2011 without interrup- tion. Depending on the funds which have been accessed, the mobile labora- tory has been available in week-ends, also for citizens living in Constanta, at certain periods of time, offering the opportunity to test those who are busy during the week. Today: More than 35,000 of people do know their health status and have right information about preventing the transmission of the three infections, by means of one-to-one counseling sessions provided by Baylor’s psycholo- gists. Of these, approximately 7% (cumulatively for the 3H), have been annu- ally diagnosed with 1, 2 or even all the 3 tested infections. The figures related to the incidence, the risk groups and patients’ age groups confirm what the prevalence studies in Romania have just intuited (as shown in the chart of the reactive results’ age distribution, the rural/urban average share, the test- ing addressability on age groups). Hepatitis C Hepatitis B Virus 0.36 2.96 40‐49 HIV 50‐59 Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Virus 0.36 3.16 4.53 4.77 2010 2011 >60 0.27 HIV 0.28 2.85 3.21 4.15 4.1 2012 2013 Clients background 23% 77% urban area rural area Patients with hepatitis C are taken by the specialists, freely evaluated within Baylor Centre of Excellence in Constan- ta and psycho-socially assisted for a fast diagnosis, for adapting to the given diagnosis and for their adherence to in- terferon therapy (the double therapy). They have a periodical access to the information sessions as well as to the sup- port groups addressed to people with similar diagnoses.