FLSmidth will supply a range of MissionZero products covering most of the flowsheet , including SAG mill , ball mill , primary crusher , pebble crushers , flotation cells and a pre-leach thickener , for Northern Star ’ s KCGM Operations ’ mill expansion project dividends ,” he said . “ This allows our close-tocustomer strategy to thrive and further allows our deployment of a more aggressive presence in the regions of our key operators , which is what is on offer through this recent transaction .”
He referenced CORE 26 , which starts with the company ’ s purpose of mining for a sustainable world and FLSmidth ’ s mission of delivering solutions for tomorrow ’ s mine , when discussing this order .
“ CORE 26 being the overall enabling strategy , focused upon lifecycle of our equipment opportunity , backed by innovation and technology ensuring a sustainable future , is ensuring we continue to build our presence in the region and particularly focus upon the junior and
mid-tier segment of the market , who are taking on significant projects ,” he said .
Next-gen scheduling
RPMGlobal says it has leveraged its XPAC mine scheduling engine to develop what it says is a next generation mine scheduling solution in the form of RPM MinePlanner .
XPAC , the world ’ s most utilised mine scheduling engine , RPM claims , has been continually refined over 40 years and is used globally across virtually every commodity and mining method .
MinePlanner , RPM says , furthers this by combining all those mining methods and commodity types into one single enterprise package .
MinePlanner includes a complete core redesign of the scheduling engine that underpins the product . The release introduces Smart Scheduling , a heuristic-based scheduling engine that combines automated , manual and hybrid approaches and tools . Smart Scheduling provides a streamlined user experience and adds flexibility by , RPM says , eliminating restrictions on the scheduling methodology being used at any point of the schedule .
David Batkin , RPMGlobal ’ s Executive General Manager of Product Strategy , said the design team was tasked with simplifying the product without compromising sophistication and capabilities .
Unlike many other scheduling tools , MinePlanner has advanced heuristics fully integrated into the product , RPM says . The