Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 172
by Kent Margraves
[WM] There were a lot of years we worked When you’re playing live worship and you are you’re in front of a subwoofer. I have tried both
together, particularly with Elevation and living using IEMs do you always wear both ears or do for a long time, I feel like I have always preferred
in Charlotte. Having mixed you a few hundred you take one ear out, and if so, why? having both in for a couple of reasons.
a room blindfolded and you were on bass. [David Curran] I think about that a lot actually. Especially for bass, if you have crappy in-ears
And that’s a huge compliment! Let’s transfer I’ve played with so many different people who and you take one out, it doesn’t help, it actually
some of your knowledge to other worship have their certain ways with IEMs. I feel like makes it worse. I think even if you have in-ears
teams about your approach to the church most musicians have a love/hate relationship with tons of drivers and lots of low end, if you
stage environment, playing live, having to with them. Specifically, bass players have pop one out it still does not give you the same
communicate about your tone, or your in-ear a love/hate relationship with them because information. I know some people prefer to
monitors, or even a wedge mix. versus having a bunch of amps on stage you hear the room, but there are also other ways
kind of lose some of that feeling you get when around that. You can put some room mics in
times I would know to this day if I walked into
June 2019
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