AFISE Personality Factors, Depression and Adherence

Personality Factors, Depression and Adherence among HIV Infected Adult Patients Enrolled in Constanta, Romania Objective Treatment adherence is one of the main variables that influences health outcomes of PLWH. Methods Measurements – Personality tests: Variables: Sample:   CognitRom Battery for personality traits   optimism,   HIV positive patients   Hamilton Depression Inventory   decisional ability   Males and females   Adherence questionnaire CEAT-VIH-Ro (Romanian form).   autonomy   Enrolled at the Baylor HIV clinic in Constanta, Romania We aimed to assess if depression and personality influence adherence behavior among our adult patients in order to decide if a cohort wide screening of the above variables would be valuable for early detection of adherence problems at the HIV clinic in Constanta, Romania. Analysis SPSS v24 was used to analyze data and individual results were shared with patients and were used as part of usual care in the clinic setting. Results   emotional stability   No compensation provided to patients   depression   demographics Demographics Medical information   60 HIV positive patients, 50% women, 32% from rural,   Median treatment duration 12 years   60% not parents,   76% with undetectable VL   37% living in nuclear families/ 50% extended families   27% non-adherent based on self report   22% employed   83 % currently not taking other medication than ART   71 % unemployed (but with social benefits) Depression Impact of Unemployment   3.6 % prevalence of depressive symptomatology   Unemployed patients report more depressive symptoms than the ones that work occasionally or that are fully employed (F 4.209, sig 0.04)   Women reporting more symptoms than men ( F= 11.447, sig .002)   However no association between depression and adherence in our sample   Significantly lower optimism, autonomy (sig .013) and emotional stability (sig .003) levels among unemployed (sig .001)   No association with adherence behaviour Mean depression levels per gender Unemployment and personality traits Optimism Level Emotional Stability Personal Autonomy 100 12.50 80 60 7.50 10.00 5.00 40 2.50 .00 20 Male Female 0 Sex Adherence   Other personality factors were not associated with adherence in our sample Cognitive autonomy levels per adherence group 60   Cognitive autonomy (the ability to take decisions independently and to keep one’s point of view Page regardless 2 of social pressure – correlated with critical thinking) and adherence were significantly associated (sig .00) Employed Occupational Status Error bars: 95% CI   Patients having more than 2 children were more likely to be non-adherent compared with those that did not have children (sig .018) or had less than two children Unemployed 55 Page 12 50 45 non-adherent adherent ADHbinar Error bars: 95% CI Conclusions Authors A.-M. Schweitzer 1 , G. Bazaitu 1 , M. Calin 2 , L. Giurgiu 2 , L. Vlahopol 1 Institutes: 1 Fundatia Baylor Marea Neagra, Constanta, Romania, 2 Universitatea Ovidius, Psychology and Social Work, Constanta, Romania   Screening for depression is not indicative for potential non-   Also, the number of children in care of correlates with non- adherence in our group and it is not needed in our context. adherence, possibly due to overlapping responsibilities, and it should be considered as a risk factor.   We have found that cognitive autonomy is correlated with self-reported adherence. We recommend inclusion of this screening test for PLWH in our clinic.   Unemployment creates psychological vulnerability, but it is not directly linked with non-adherence. Page 20