IES Tokyo Shinbun Vol. 81

一般社団法人 IES Tokyo Shinbun IES Abroad全米大学連盟 2016. 8.22 Volume 81 In this issue Customized Program -PSU 16 and UNC 16! Field Placement at Japan International Volunteer Center By Sanjay Thapa, Trinity College E-pal Program by Hiiromichi Kanai, Kanuda University of International Studies Reunion Event 毎夏代々木で行っている夏プログラムとノースカロライナ大学のプログラムの他、今年は初めてペンシルバニア大学の学生が夏のプログ ラムを東京センターで行いました.。横浜で行われた第31回国際心理学会議に出席した後、1週間という限られた時間ではありました が、京都や箱根などに出かけ、日本の文化に触れました。 It was the first time for the Tokyo Center to have a group from Penn State University as a customized program this summer. The group spent the first half in Yokohama to attend the International Congress of Psychology. Even though they were very busy with the packed schedule, for the second half, they enjoyed taking field trips to Kyoto, Hakone and other areas of Japan to enjoy the Japanese culture. ↖ PSU group tried zen meditation during the Kyoto trip ←UNC group at Kinkakuji Temple