The Edmonton Muse September 2019 | Page 22

September – Here’s to new beginnings!

Every season brings endings and new beginnings! This month’s message is all about the balance of masculine and feminine energy. The Yin/Yang – more feminine energy is required…always. Unconditional love for self,

others and forgiveness go a long way over dominant, aggressive, masculine and egoist energy. I’m not saying to be soft, be a welcome mat, rather be the observer, rather than absorb and react. We as a society have been

conditioned to react, respond and to dominate one’s opinion or authority. In order to enhance your feminine energy it is important to understand the qualities of it. Masculine energy is seen as straight lines, it is seen as an outward expression, it is seen as quick and fast moving.

Feminine energy on the other hand, is seen as curvy lines, it is seen as an inner expression, and it is slow and methodical. Feminine energy is fluid and watery. It is intuitive and graceful. It is creative and allows us to receive. Masculine energy is direct and earthy. It is logical and practical. It is sturdy and allows us to give.

To feel feminine energy, take a look at the Moon on a night when it is full, and tap in to the strong and radiant vibrations.

Take a walk in a park and just observe what you see. Look at the flowers, look at the leaves, just witness how Mother Earth creates. By observing nature we can begin to tune into some of the feminine energy that has been lost to our consciousness over the years. I also recommend a dream journal as that invites the feminine and creative energy to flow. Ask your guides/angels/loved ones for guidance and help. If you’re looking for weekly guidance check out my YouTube channel and subscribe!

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