Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2023 - Fashion Issue | Page 54

hen I learned

that FLM was

doing another

fashion issue, I knew it was time for redemption. In the past, I've admitted to being a little clueless about fashion, but this year was different. This year we planned a trip to Paris, and I was sure the City of Light would provide inspiration.

Paris did not disappoint.

Each time I have visited Paris – first as a new college graduate, then years later with the man I married, and a year after that as newlyweds – I’ve discovered new things about this beautiful city. Our most recent visit was more than a decade ago, and since then we've had two sons. This trip we brought those boys with us and we did the usual tourist things: Went up the Eiffel Tour, took a boat tour on the Seine, visited museums, and ate more croissants and macarons than is probably healthy. But the best part was the privilege of seeing Paris through their eyes.


Fashion Report from Paris