The Edmonton Muse July 2018 | Page 62

Quintessential Tarot

Card of the Month

Hello and welcome to Quintessential Tarot’s card of the month for July 2018!

This month I’ve pulled the Six of Pentacles which is very much a card of gifts and generosity. The Six of Pentacles shows something of value being given, but not necessarily monetary value.

This card asks you to share your abundance and generosity with the world whether it’s by sharing your special skills, spending time with someone who means a lot to you or perhaps with some time spent volunteering. It’s beautifully abundant energy is flowing and this energy is meant to be shared!

When this card pops up it can also signify the payment of a karmic debt which opens the door to new energy and a time of prosperity flowing into your life. Freely giving your time to others or sharing your special talents with those around you keeps the abundance flowing and with that energy, you can be sure that great things are coming your way.

We can also see the Six of Pentacles popping up with a grant or scholarship is on it’s way. Whatever the avenue of abundant energy may be, now is the time to open your arms up wide and happily accept!