Commerce_2020_11_dig | Page 36



Brownfields , LSRPs , NJDEP , Superfund Sites , Environmental Law , Construction , Remediation

Projects and Environmental Justice
COVID‐19 has changed protocols , but the work and projects continue across the Garden State .
Compiled by John Joseph Parker Contributing Editor

Environmental business , issues , projects and remediation did not stop because of the ongoing pandemic . COVID‐19 has changed the ways companies do their jobs and how they interact with each other , but the work goes on . COMMERCE asked law firms and environmental firms to share how their worlds have adapted to COVID‐19 and to share success stories where appropriate . Here are their thoughts and observations .

Brach Eichler LLC By Frances B . Stella , Esq ., Member ; Chair , Environmental and Land Use Practice
Unlike other businesses and activities , environmental projects have always had health and safety plans ( HASP ); however , these procedures had to be modified to address COVID‐19 . We have successfully counseled our clients and contractors on a United States Superfund Site to modify their HASP and comply with government regulations . There are obvious tweaks that everyone has had to employ , such as daily health checks for site personnel , masks and social distancing . In addition , our contractors have been required to take separate vehicles , occupy different hotel rooms and more regularly clean vehicles and equipment . We have also had to seek approval from the USEPA and / or NJDEP to delay vapor intrusion testing to protect not only employees , but the occupants of residential property . We received approval for near-slab outdoor testing for vapor intrusion to avoid indoor activity and contact . There have also been modifications to ground water sampling events to reduce the number of people necessary to work on-site and granted extensions for sampling report submissions . Although these changes have increased costs , thus far we have had great success in continuing with on-site remedial projects and completing due diligence for real estate transactions , all while seeking to keep everyone safe .
Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast ( BCONE ) By Rick Shoyer , President ; President , Advanced GeoServices
Embrace the virtual . BCONE was in the midst of planning for its biggest event of the year : the 11th Annual Northeast Sustainable
Communities Workshop ( NSCW ), originally scheduled for May 2020 in person and in Trenton . As a regional organization with a strong New Jersey membership , BCONE had to account for executive orders in multiple states , as well as travel bans . The organization pivoted to an all-virtual workshop , held on the afternoons of July 21 and 22 , 2020 . Thanks to the Socio platform and talented behind-the-scenes staff , the 2020 NSCW included informative panels with regional experts , great dialogue , enhanced networking , a virtual exhibit hall , awards and a scholarship fundraiser with a virtual wine tutorial and actual wine tasting . BCONE has and will continue to discuss our experience with virtual conferencing with other organizations . To make sure that BCONE members and annual sponsors continue to receive value and stay connected , all events are now presented online — that includes BCONE ’ s quarterly New Jersey Redevelopment Roundtables that provide continuing education credits for LSRPs , PGs , and PEs . Programming has been enhanced in the other states we serve for the rest of 2020 , as well . Topics for sessions have broadened to include solar redevelopment ; Opportunity Zones ; the management of fill ; impacts of COVID on urban and suburban redevelopment ; and statutory and regulatory updates from across the
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