Masters Of Health Media Kit

M ASTERS OF HEALTH THEMOSTTRUSTED GLOBALONLINE-MAGAZINE 2016 MEDIA KIT MASTERSOFHEALTH EMAGAZI NE br i ngst oget hersel ectal t er nat i veheal t hvoi cesof t hel ocal ,nat i onalandi nt er nat i onalhol i st i c pr act i t i oner s,whoseper spect i veandexper t i se of f erevi denceoft hebody’ snat ur alabi l i t y t oheali t sel f . OURMI SSI ON i st ocr eat eandgat hert hemost meani ngf ull at estr esear chandheal t hr el at ed i nf or mat i ont oget herasaser vi cet ogi veourr eader s t het ool st oempowerandeducat et hemsel ves. BECAUSE RESULTS MATTER FORADVERTI SI NG AND EDI TORI ALI NQUI RI ES mas t er s of heal t hmag@gmai l . c om