So far so near

About our project June 2016 IES Simarro Lacabra Gimnazjum w Morawicy by: Anna Litwin by: Marta Úbeda Abad This is our school. It is located in Xativa a nearby town in Valencia, Spain. There are about 1100 students, so many things can happen in a day :) "You can become a great man". The school's motto Hi! We come from Poland, our school's name is Gimnazjum in Morawica. It's a junior high Gimnazjum w Morawicy, Poland pl/ school. There are over 325 students there. They are aged 12-16. We take part in various Last October we started working together on an eTwinning project “So far so near”. projects. Here you can find some basic information IES LLUIS SIMARRO, Spain Here you will find a couple of videos showing you the best parts of our school: the canteen, the gym, the lab etc... Our films about school: Our school Our school II Our twinspace: https://twinspace.etwinning. net/12494/home Our timetables We were so curious about what our partner does on their day a day that we interviewed Polish / Spanish team about their school timetable. And this is what we found out. Just open the links on page 3. about the place where we study. Logo by Dawid Rudnicki Our team prepared a few films about our school: Our school Our school II Our school III