Redi-Kit Sample Shipping: How to Ship a Sample

REDI-KIT SAMPLE SHIPPING PROGRAM: HOW TO SHIP A SAMPLE HOW TO SHIP A PATIENT SAMPLE IN 4 EASY STEPS Patient sample tubes are classified and shipped as biological substances, Category B. Prepare sample for FedEx pick-up using the Redi-Kit Sample Transport System packing materials. Complete the Shippers Declaration for Biological Substances, Class B. Consult your hospital’s trained shipper or your Dangerous Goods Shipping Policy. 1. Place sample tube(s) in white Styrofoam box with absorbent material. 2. Label with hospital specific ID or sample barcode number, insert, and seal white box inside plastic inner package, then place plastic package inside Tyvek outer envelope. 3. Place in cardboard shipping container with NYBC order form inside box and FedEx airbill outside. 4. Seal FedEx barcoded label and align around the box directly over the NYBC label as shown. Be sure the barcode is visible after you affix it to the Redi-Kit shipping container. *Please include cold pack during warm weather shipping months. Blood Center Enterprises CUSTOMER SERVICE • 310 EAST 67 TH STREET • NEW YORK, NY 10065 • 855.552.5663 I N N O VA T I O N EXPERIENCE EXPERTISE NYBC.ORG