PLENTY-SPRING-2024-joomag PLENTY Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 26

An eye for beauty

Nature ’ s inner sanctum

By keith kozloff
Flowers use colors and scents to attract animal pollinators that transfer pollen between their male and female reproductive organs . A flower ’ s male part ( anther ) is a sac-like structure that produces and stores pollen . The female pistil forms the innermost parts of the flower , containing the ovary . A pollinator moves pollen from the anther to the stigma ( opening of the pistil tube ) consummating fertilization .
I made these images at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton Regional Park , using a close-up device to intrude deeply into the blooms ’ intimate spaces . In post-processing ,
I softened the images . Although our mobility as humans obviates the need for third parties to facilitate the union of male and female sex cells , we seek to attract partners through visual cues , scents , and gifts . As I strolled among the flowers , memories of my own romantic encounters blossomed and faded .
26 plenty I spring sowing 2024