VLC Gazette (Edition 5)

My Encounters

With Canada Experience

Encounters with Canada was an amazing experience. Encounters with Canada is a youth program where every week young people from all over Canada join together at the Terry Fox Center in Ottawa for a week long program of their chosen theme. I went for the Medicine and Health Week, during October 23-29, 2016.

There were roughly 150 participants during the week! More than half of the participants came from British Columbia. There were only about 7 people from Ontario, but British Columbia and Ontario were not the only places students came from!



The Art

of Makeup


Post-secondary Schools

Personal Journey

Why Not?

13 Ways

to Recover From a Cold Faster


& Self Image

Course Connections: English


of Music

Creative expression & Mental Illness



Teacher Spotlight: Mrs.Bulmer

Pg 5, 11, 20

& 21

Pg 10

Pg 12

Pg 15

Pg 15

Pg 16

Pg 17

Pg 18

Pg 19

Pg 22

Pg 24

Edition 5 - Spring 2017

vlc gazette


See Page 4...

by Zwetlana Rajesh

What's in this semester's issue?

We Call Him President

We call him President! The VLC’s finest students ran for the role of Student Council President last fall and the winning candidate was Bryce McRae. I had the honour of interviewing him and got to know him better through an in-depth interview. It is my hope that you will get to know him better too, along with seeing the great work he and Student Council have completed this term.

See Page 2...

by Aisha Stenger-Elmas