Pushin' On: UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Volume 38 | Number 1

shin’ON Injury Model System Digital Newsletter e News VOL 38 | NUM 1 2020 s is, of course, COVID-19. This issue of Pushin’ On is a with information to help people with spinal cord injury and ties through the pandemic. rch & Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities as been working to share relevant research and information e COVID-19 pandemic is, and will continue, to impact isabilities. Here is what is available on COVID-19. Nursing Facilities in Rural Communities: Opportunities for ing on COVID-19 response efforts -19: An increased threat to people with disabilities living in stitutions ral research shows higher risks for rural people during -19 izing people with disabilities in the COVID-19 pandemic istration for Community Living (ACL) offers a resource page, er Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know About Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? The page describes actions to pread of COVID-19, frequently asked questions on several older Americans, guidance on home and community es and nursing home visitation, guidance for organizations r an outbreak, and a link to a Spanish-language version. me additional things people with disabilities can do to g the COVID-19 outbreak: t you will do if you or your direct support provider gets sick. contact list of family, friends, neighbors and local service that can provide support in case you or your direct support becomes ill or unavailable. ast two ways of communicating from home and work be used rapidly in an emergency (e.g., landline phone, cell xt-messaging, email). Write down this information and keep u. ugh household items and groceries so that you will be ble staying home for a few weeks, at least a 30-day supply e counter and prescription medicines and any medical nt or supplies that you might need. Some health plans allow ay refill on prescription medications. Consider discussing n with your healthcare provider. Make a photocopy of ions to have in an emergency situation rovides resources in other important areas. onnected and Engaged your state’s guidance rganizations that serve people with disabilities g civil rights g Personal Finances care, Medicaid, Social Security and SSI beneficiaries s for veterans